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Frequently Asked Questions

We know there might be some questions about what we do.

We hope this list will answer some of the basics.

FAQ List

1. What do Sett tech do? Sett Tech connects Homeowners seeking home-tech/device support with engineers capable of helping. We take online bookings for our expert partners who then help customers find solutions to their problems.

2. What happens if you can't fix my problem? Our engineering team are pretty great, but on the odd occasion they might need a little help too.  We escalate these issues internally until the problem is seen to. That way, you know that your issues will be fixed one way or another.

3. What kind of devices do you work with/fix?​ Sett focuses on the use and fine-tuning of popular home-based devices such as Amazon Alexas, Google Dot, Gaming consoles?? etc.

4. How do I go about getting a call-out? Getting an engineer call-out is really easy. Simply head to

5. What are the benefits? By reaching out to Sett and our team of device experts, you can rest easy knowing that proper steps will be taken in any set up or fixing process. That way, there aren’t any annoying issues that crop up later due to improper processes done by non-experts. Further to that, you can benefit from niche tips and tricks which unlock the true potential of your devices, which might’ve otherwise gone unused!

6. Can I get support after-hours? Our work hours are typical, but availability is decided by the engineers themselves! So as long as someone is willing, you’ll have assistance any time of the day.

6. Can I get support after-hours? Our work hours are typical, but availability is decided by the engineers themselves! So as long as someone is willing, you’ll have assistance any time of the day.

7. What is the typical process? ​ The best and most efficient way to get your issues seen to is to take detailed notes including the device name, model and specific issue you’re having prior to contacting us. Next, you can go to to secure an engineer at your desired time and date. Assuming your booking is successful, an engineer will either call you or arrive at your stated address to explore the issue and find a suitable solution, so that you’re left completely satisfied.

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